Frontline: General Meeting Information


OSLO, Norway, Oct. 29, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) — Frontline Ltd. (NYSE:FRO) (the “Company”) advises that the Annual General Meeting of the Company was held on Friday, October 26, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. (Bermuda time) at the registered office of the company. The following resolutions were passed:

 1) The financial statements of the Company for the year ended
    December 31, 2000 were accepted received and adopted.
 2) To re-elect as a Director of the Company, John Fredriksen.
 3) To re-elect as a Director of the Company, Tor Olav Troim.
 4) To re-elect as a Director of the Company, Shaun Morris.
 5) To re-elect as a Director of the Company, James Bodi.
 6) To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers DA, of Oslo, Norway, as
    auditors and to authorize the Directors to determine their
 7) To approve an amendment to the Company's Bye-law 99. (a) by the
    removal of the words "individuals constituting" and the inclusion
    of the words "present in person or by proxy" in the first sentence
    in the paragraph.

The suggested resolution to approve the compulsory acquisition of all shareholdings of ten or less of the Company’s ordinary shares did not pass.

CONTACT:  Frontline, Oslo
          Kate Blankenship, Company Secretary
          (441) 295 69 35